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My name is Moa, I am 25 years old. I am a social person who likes to work in a team. But I also enjoy my own company. When I'm alone I like to play games, listen to music and write.


Just like I find the story and characters intriguing in games, I find lyrics intriguing in songs. It interests me to deep dive into other people's thoughts and emotions. And I enjoy writing my thoughts down. I have linked three of my own texts beneath my image.


During our education in Game Design we are taught to both lead and participate in group projects. We get to create a game from an idéa to a finished product in teams. This has made me realize that I thrive in a project manager role, since I enjoy visualizing the project as a whole. It's exciting to collaborate with the team members and other disciplines and see the project grow. In other words, I like to feel connected and to be involved in all different aspects of a project.


After my internship period ends in May 2022, I am eager to start my journey in to the gaming industry!

Feel free to contact me through mail!

My Texts
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